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Watch: For investors, interview series with Dr Geoffrey Nichol

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2 May 2023

With nearly 30 years’ experience in drug development that includes C-suite and senior positions at BioMarin, Medarex Inc and Novartis, Dr Geoffrey Nichol brings clinical and commercial acumen to the HaemaLogiX Board of Directors.

We are pleased to share this series of interviews with Dr Nichol, in which he shares valuable insight into the investment opportunity in HaemaLogiX’s immunotherapies for patients with blood cancers, such as multiple myeloma, and B-cell disorders.

Video 1: An introduction to Dr Geoffrey Nichol

Learn about Dr Nichols’s career trajectory and the key milestones in drug development that he has professionally been involved in.

Video 2: The competitive advantage of our immunotherapies explained

“When it comes to drug development, it comes down to two things; It comes down to the target being used and whether that target has a good prospect of filling some gap in medical needs,” Dr Nichol says.

“The KMA and LMA targets which HLX have are different to ones used previously, they are only expressed on the cancer cell, they are not expressed on other bystander immune cells.”

Video 3: Our value inflection points between Q2 2023 and FY 2024

“It’s rare that you can spend maybe $20 million – which sounds a lot but in drug development it’s a just a drop in the bucket – and in one to two years essentially have all the answers you need to determine what would then appear to be an enormously valuable asset,” Dr Nichol says.

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